Lan Huong Tran
Lan Huong TranPhD Water Science, 2009Research Associate, INRS “My studies at INRS prepared me well for a career in scientific...
Lan Huong TranPhD Water Science, 2009Research Associate, INRS “My studies at INRS prepared me well for a career in scientific...
Achref MethenniPhD Telecommunications, 2018Wireless technical support consultant, Rogers Communications “My research experience at INRS...
Marie-Lise Tremblay PhD Energy and Materials science, 2011Researcher and Project Manager at Hydro-Québec “INRS enabled...
Jean-François Montreuil PhD Earth sciences, 2016VP-Exploration for Red Pine Exploration and Chief geologist, MacDonald Mines...
Lalit Kumar Ph.D. Water sciences, 2020Postdoctoral fellow, INRS I chose INRS for my studies because it has...
Guillaume Nielsen M.Sc. Earth sciences, 2012, and Ph.D. Earth sciences, 2018NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Northern Mine Remediation, Yukon...