Make an impact by supporting the essential role played by science and innovation in the quality of life in Quebec and elsewhere in the world.


    the next generation of world-class scientists at master's, doctoral and postdoctoral levels.

    in key sectors of Quebec's socio-economic and cultural development.

    through research to strengthen the impact of our scientific activities on the development of society.


Let’s move forward together.
Through research.

Your gift to the INRS Foundation supports research and innovation, provides state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, and supports the training of scientists in crucial sectors of society.

Contribute to the development and influence of INRS, which, through its outstanding performance and contribution to society, is a source of pride for everyone in Quebec.

Find out what your gift can do

Each donation helps INRS’ scientific teams pursue essential work in strategic areas to better our collective quality of life.

Key infrastructures that play an important role in strategic sectors for Quebec’s development

  • The biggest wave flume in North America, designed to simulate sediment transport and the interactions between waves, tides, and currents, critical areas in the study of climate change.
  • An advanced laser light source laboratory (ALLS) equipped with instruments for studying ultrafast light-matter interactions and their applications in everything from physics to medicine.
  • An imaging facility with instruments and expertise in transmission electron microscopy applied to the study of structural dynamics phenomena using spatial and temporal resolution.
  • The National Experimental Biology Lab, offering world-class research services in toxicology, pharmacokinetics, biomarker identification and immunoassay services, as well as animal-based feasibility tests conducted to the highest ethical standards.
  • The Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory (LBE) offers its multidisciplinary expertise and state-of-the-art facilities to industry and the scientific community for developing and scaling up production processes for value-added bioproducts. Its facilities cover all production steps, including fermentation, upstream and downstream processes.
  • Optical microscopy laboratories that can produce shallow depth of field images to observe interactions between proteins, for example, as well as flow cytometry images using lasers to identify, characterize, or sort particles (cells, bacteria, parasites, beads, etc.).
  • The Canadian Irradiation Centre, a world-renowned facility for research in radiation therapy and its applications. The centre develops new food, health, and environmental technologies through microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, epidemiology, comparative medicine, physicochemistry and sensory evaluation of foods.
