Best theses and dissertations 2024

On May 11, the INRS Foundation had the privilege of recognizing the academic merit of eight graduates. Prizes of $1,000 for the best master's thesis or essay and $2,000 for the best doctoral thesis were awarded to our graduates from the four INRS centers. These prizes are offered for the fifth consecutive year thanks to the generosity of members and partners of the INRS community.

Our sincere thanks go to the Service des études supérieures et de la réussite étudiante team and to the members of the selection committee, whose commitment to the presentation of these awards was invaluable.

Discover our new recipients:


Fares Saidi


For me, winning this prize is recognition of the work I put in during my doctorate, and recognition for all the people involved in my work, without whom it would never have been possible.

Fares Saidi
PhD in biology, 2023
Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie 
Supervisor : Salim Timo Islam


Véronique Dubos


Receiving this award is recognition that my work is going in the right direction. I'm grateful and honoured by this distinction because I've worked with perseverance and passion. It encourages me to pursue my research in the North and to continue sharing scientific and Inuit knowledge. 

Véronique Dubos
PhD in water sciences, 2023
Centre Eau Terre Environnement 
Supervisor : André Saint-Hilaire


Patrick Kilcullen


This award signifies that success does not correlate with the size of an academic institution. What actually matters is the people you surround yourself with. I have been incredibly fortunate to have had not only the supervisory guidance of two excellent scientists, but also the support and friendship of a whole array of excellent budding scientists. Personally, this award also signifies a very happy end to my academic journey that took me to a place very far from home.

Patrick Kilcullen
PhD in Energy and Materials science, 2023
Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications 
Supervisor : Jinyang Liang


Clarence Hatton-Proulx


I am truly privileged to receive this award, which recognizes my work over more than four years at INRS, and as a co-tutor at Sorbonne University. The period after defense is often a blur, and it's easy to denigrate one's thesis by wanting to turn the page as quickly as possible. This prize reassures me that my thesis is worthy of interest. I'm extremely grateful for the support I've received from the entire INRS student and faculty community, as well as from the members of the administration who accompanied me during my doctorate.

Clarence Hatton-Proulx
PhD in urban studies, 2024
Centre Urbanisation Culture Société 
Supervisor : Sophie L. Van Neste




Sabin Dhakal


This award has given me the opportunity to lift my head and proudly return to the path of excellence. It also means a lot to my family and my wife, who have constantly supported me along the way. I always say that this award belongs not only to me, but also to all the people who have surrounded me along the way.

Sabin Dhakal
Master in applied microbiology, 2023
Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie
Supervisor : Charles M. Dozois

Pejman Abolhosseini


I'm delighted to have won this award, as it boosts my confidence and motivates me to pursue my career aspirations.

Pejman Abolhosseini
Master in water science, 2023
Centre Eau Terre Environnement
Supervisor : Richard Martel

Connor Rowe


It is a great honour to receive this prize. The culmination of years of work which is my master’s thesis was a challenge to put together, but the final document along with this prestigious award signify to me how much I have developed as a scientist under the guidance of my mentors and the INRS community.

Connor Rowe
Master in Energy and Materials science, 2024
Centre Énergie Matériaux télécommunications
Supervisor : José Azana

Raphaelle Ainsley-Vincent

I'm honoured and grateful to have received this award for my master's thesis: for me, it's a validation of the hard work, meticulousness and sensitivity I've put into this project, which has taken up so much of my time over the last few years.

Raphaëlle Ainsley-Vincent
Master in urban studies, 2023
Centre Urbanisation Culture Société
Supervisor : Xavier Leloup