Elsa Goerig
Elsa GoerigPostdoctoral research fellow, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MassachusettsPhD, Earth sciences,...
Elsa GoerigPostdoctoral research fellow, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MassachusettsPhD, Earth sciences,...
Judith MogouongPostdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University, Ithaca, New YorkPhD Biology, 2022 “Perseverance, rigour and...
Ahlem ZaghmiPostdoctoral fellow, Karolinska Institute (Sweden)PhD in Energy and Materials Science, 2021Energy Materials Telecommunications...
Golara Golbaghi Ph.D. Biology, 2020Associate Scientist at Turnstone Biologics “The most important lesson I learned while...
Seda Yasa Postdoctoral research fellow, Neurology, Harvard Medical SchoolPh.D. in Biology, 2022 “Without adequate financial support, it is...
Bruno Boussicault Master’s degree in Earth sciences, 2008Geologist and geophysicist at ConeTec Peru S.A.C. “The network...