Convivial award ceremonies

On September 4 and 10, the INRS Foundation warmly welcomed and congratulated 13 student winners of the various scholarships offered by the Foundation over the past year, including the new Rio Tinto Scholarships for Diversity in Science at INRS, the Career Transition Scholarship, the Andrea Rovere Scholarship, the Student Diversity Scholarship from the Fondation de l'Université du Québec, as well as the Board Scholarships and the Leadership and Commitment Scholarship from the INRS Foundation.

At the Centre Eau Terre Environnement, the recipients were:

Bourse Rio Tinto pour la diversité en sciences à l'INRS, valued at $15,000:

  • Sophia Hastings Leiter, a doctoral student in Earth Sciences, under the supervision of professor Pierre-Simon Ross

Bourse de la Fondation de l'Université du Québec, valued at $3,000:

  • Lutfi Ersay, a doctoral student in Earth Sciences, under the supervision of professor Renaud Soucy Laroche;
  • Juan Esteban Ossa Ossa, a doctoral student in Water Sciences, under the supervision of professor Sophie Duchesne;

Bourse de leadership et d'engagement de la Fondation de l'INRS, valued at $2,000:

  • Marie-Pier Brochu, a doctoral student in Water Sciences, under the supervision of professor Valérie Langlois.

Bourse de transition de carrière à l'INRS, valued at $5,000:

  • Mathieu Des Roches, a master’s student in Earth Sciences, under the supervision of professor Pierre Francus.

At the Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications, the recipients were:

Bourse Andrea-Rovere, valued at $2,000:

  • Connor Rowe, a doctoral student in energy and materials science, under the supervision of professor José Azaña.

Bourse du conseil de la Fondation de l'INRS, valued at $2,500:

  • Ludmila Madalena Dos Santos, a doctoral student in energy and materials science, under the supervision of professor Ana Tavares;
  • Seyedeh Nazanin Kamali, a doctoral student in telecommunications, under the supervision of professors Tarek Djerafi and José Azaña.

At the Centre Urbanisation Culture Société, the recipients were:

Bourse Rio Tinto pour la diversité en sciences à l'INRS, valued at $15,000:

  • Caroline Flory-Célini, a doctoral student in urban studies under the supervision of professor Nathan McClintock

Bourses de la Fondation de l'Université du Québec, valued at $3,000:

  • Stéphanie Atkin, customized doctoral student in the sociology of youth, under the supervision of professor María Eugenia Longo;
  • Chedeline Cherifin, a master’s student in urban studies, under the supervision of professor Carolyn Côté-Lussier;
  • Sergio Edison Jiménez Rojas, a master’s student in population studies, under the supervision of professor María Eugenia Longo;
  • Joël Wheeler-Noiseux, a master’s student in urban studies, under the supervision of professor Marie-Soleil Cloutier.

The recipients were congratulated by their colleagues and professors, as well as by Luc-Alain Giraldeau, INRS General Director, Mrs Marie-Soleil Cloutier, Director of the Urbanisation Culture Société center, M. François Légaré, Director of the Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications center, and Élise Comtois, Executive Director of the INRS Foundation.

The students expressed their gratitude and stressed the importance of the financial support and recognition that these scholarships bring to their studies.

The Foundation would like to express its gratitude to its donors for their generous support, and to the teams at the Centres Eau, Terre et Environnement, Énergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications, and Urbanisation, Culture et Société for hosting these celebratory events, which are essential to the vitality of our institution.

We would also like to thank the INRS Graduate Studies and Student Success team for their contribution to the competitions, and the members of the selection committees for their invaluable support.

The Foundation is proud to support members of the INRS student community throughout their career. The fall 2024 scholarship competitions are open until November 4, 2024.

Each year, the INRS Foundation adds new scholarships to better meet the evolving needs of its student community. These scholarships are made possible by the generosity of INRS members, corporations, private foundations, as well as INRS alumni and friends.

Do you care about the next generation of students? Consider creating a personalised scholarship that will make a difference to the lives and careers of our students.

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