Thanks to the support of the INRS Foundation, Alex Paré, a doctoral student in protein engineering and integrative biophysics, has launched an innovative initiative at INRS's Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie. Working with a group of passionate students, Alex has created a multimedia studio, a platform designed to encourage the production of educational content and facilitate the popularization of science, both for students and the general public.

An idea born of a desire to share and make things accessible

Alex Paré drew on his experience as president of the film production committee of the INRS Biotechnology Health Student Association. Noting that existing multimedia material was under-utilized and difficult to access for members of the student community, he reoriented the committee's mission by transforming it into a multimedia committee. “The equipment was there, but we weren't taking full advantage of it. The aim was to make this material accessible and to encourage students to produce multimedia content, particularly in the context of popularizing science,” he explains.

Clear objectives for students and the general public

The new multimedia studio aims to provide students with a space equipped and resourced to produce videos, podcasts and other types of multimedia content. These productions will be used to disseminate scientific knowledge in an accessible way, helping to combat misinformation.


“We want to make science more understandable and accessible to the general public, while offering students a platform to share their expertise,” adds Alex.

Challenges along the way

Implementing a project of this scale was not without its challenges. “Time management was a major challenge,” confides Alex. Between his academic research and coordinating the project, he had to juggle priorities, but funding from the INRS Foundation enabled him to fit out the studio and acquire essential items such as a camera and accessories.

Next steps for a fully operational studio

Although the studio is not yet officially open, some equipment has already been used for events, and students have expressed interest in future projects, including podcasts. “We can't wait to get everything in place and see future projects come to life,” says Alex. There are still some important steps to be taken, such as setting up the booking system, installing sound insulation panels and acquiring an Adobe Creative Cloud license.

A promising future for science popularization at INRS

Alex has big plans for the studio over the next five years: “I hope this space will become a central pillar of student life at the Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biologie, used for a multitude of creative projects. With the regular addition of new equipment, we can continue to improve the quality of productions and offer even more opportunities to students.”

Thanks to projects like Alex Paré's, supported by the INRS Foundation, the student community now has access to tools that facilitate not only their learning, but also the transmission of their knowledge. Another step towards making science more accessible to all.

The Foundation thanks its generous donors who contribute to the Fonds d'aide aux étudiants et à la vitalité étudiante, which supports initiatives like this one proposed by members of the INRS student community.

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