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Competition extended

Students at the Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications: the 2023-2024 competition for INRS Foundation Board Scholarships has been extended until December 3, 2023.

Two INRS Foundation Board Scholarships worth $2,500 have been offered since 2022 to recruit and support more female master’s and doctoral students in the Energy Materials Telecommunications Centre’s training programs, where women tend to be under-represented. The scholarship improves the conditions of study offered by INRS to the recipient.

In 2022-2023, the scholarships were awarded to Natalie Herkendaal, a master’s student in energy and materials sciences under the supervision of Professor Lionel Roué, and Marília Karla Soares Lopes, a doctoral student in telecommunications under the supervision of Professor Tiago Falk.

Don’t miss this opportunity to distinguish yourself!

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