UQ’s Bourses Ténacité scholarships

The Université du Québec Foundation’s Bourses Ténacité scholarships were created to recognize the hard work and perseverance shown by Indigenous students to overcome the many challenges they face.


The awards are designed to encourage students who experience financial hardship to stay in school.

A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to an Indigenous student at each institution in the Université du Québec network, including INRS. This scholarship is in addition to those available to other groups that face barriers in accessing and completing higher education.

INRS students are invited to apply from August 26 to October 15, 2020.

For more information: www.uquebec.ca/fondation

Contact person at INRS:

Carolyne Hébert
Scholarship Liaison Officer and
Program Evaluation Manager
Telephone: 418-654-2528



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