Activity reports

Rapport d’impact 2022-2023 [in French]
Rapport d’impact 2021-2022
 [in French]
2020-2021 Overview

Audited financial statements

Year ended 30 April 2023 [in French]
Year ended 30 April 2022
[in French]


Code d’éthique et de déontologie [in French]
Politique sur les engagements et les autorisations financières [in French] 
Politique sur la qualité de l’information financière et les contrôles internes [in French]
Politique de relations avec les donateurs et d’acceptation des dons [in French]
Politique de promotion de la civilité, de prévention du harcèlement psychologique ou sexuel et de traitement des plaintes [in French]
Privacy policy [in French]
Cookie policy 
Policy on the management and protection of personal information [in French]
Policy on treasury management [in French]


Pursuant to section 4.7 of our policy on the quality of financial information and compliance with internal controls, you are hereby notified that the following person has been designated to receive any complaint relating to the said policy.

To proceed, please complete the whistleblower form available on the INRS Foundation website and return it, marked “Personal and confidential” to:

INRS Foundation
c/o Ms. Anne-Pascale Richardson,
Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee
385 Sherbrooke St. East
Montréal, Quebec  H2X 1E3

Protection of personal information

If you have any questions or concerns, if you wish to exercise your rights or if you wish to file a complaint about the protection of your personal information, please contact our privacy officer as follows:

Élise Comtois, Executive director
INRS Foundation
514 499-8203 •

The Foundation also has an e-mail box dedicated to complaints, which is monitored confidentially by the chairperson of our Governance and Ethics Committee, Me Mylany David, at the following address:

Professional standards

The philanthropic development professionals at the INRS Foundation are members of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP). They are bound by AFP’s internationally recognized principles of ethical conduct, which help promote a climate of trust and strengthen INRS’s culture of philanthropy.

Donor Bill of Rights
Code of Ethical Standards

Corporate bylaws

General bylaws [in French]
