Alumni survey

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Alumni survey

INRS alumni are at the heart of the mission of the INRS Foundation, created in 2020. Today, we sent them a link to an online questionnaire to help us know them better.

Broad participation is essential. The information gathered and analysed by the external firm BNP Performance will enable us to gain a better understanding of our community, guide our actions, and prioritize our actions in terms of alumni relations. It will also help us, to better support, together, the outreach of INRS.

Completing the survey only takes 15 minutes. It is available in both official languages. We will share on our website highlights aggregated by our service provider.

Feeling like deja vu? The Foundation conducted a similar survey in 2021. This year’s data will allow us to see how the attitudes and expectations of our alumni community towards the Foundation and INRS have evolved.

Didn’t receive our email? Make sure your contact information is up to date and write to us at to obtain the hyperlink. Your reply by June 7 is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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