INRS doctoral students Ludivine Lafosse and Rita Nehmé

Arbour Scholarship Ambassadors

The internal competition for the Fondation Arbour Scholarships is open until 14 June. This year, two scholarship recipients are ambassadors for the programme, available to promote it and answer questions from members of the INRS community.

Doctoral students Ludivine Lafosse (water sciences, under the direction of Professor Jacob Stolle at the Centre Eau Terre Environnement) and Rita Nehmé (virology and immunology, under the direction of Professor Yves St-Pierre at the Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie) were the very first recipients of the programme offered to INRS student community as of 2022, on the initiative of the INRS Foundation.

They received valuable support from the Foundation again in 2023-2024. They wish to make the Fondation Arbour scholarships known to the INRS student community and encourage its members to apply this year.

In 2023, Ablema Sephora Tanoe, a doctoral student in water sciences under the supervision of Professor Patrick Drogui, became the third INRS student to receive a Fondation Arbour scholarship.

“This scholarship enables me to alleviate the financial difficulties faced by many Quebec students. I can now concentrate fully on my studies,” Ludivine Lafosse told us.

“I am very grateful for the continued generous support of the Fondation Arbour in my doctoral studies. I am also happy to be part of their network, which offers me invaluable professional opportunities,” insisted Rita Nehmé.

They both hope that many members of the student community will dare to apply for this unique opportunity this year. Our ambassadors invite INRS student community members who would like to know more to contact them directly. Their contact details can be found in the INRS directory.

About the Arbour Foundation scholarships

Each year, the Fondation Arbour awards a maximum of six scholarships per partner institution. For INRS, this means up to three applications for $20,000 master’s scholarships (research or professional) and three for $30,000 doctoral scholarships. These scholarships are for one year, renewable for a second year. The Fondation Arbour’s key selection criteria include the applicant’s financial situation and perseverance. Leadership and academic excellence are also considered.

Our partner provides financial support for rising stars to help them achieve their full potential. In addition to generous scholarships, the programme also includes mentoring, entrepreneurial coaching and networking opportunities that open up new career possibilities.

INRS students are invited to submit their applications to the Service des études supérieures et de la réussite étudiante no later than June 14, 2024.

We wish you every success!

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