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Celebrate our graduates | Together, let's express our pride!

As a new cohort of students prepares to celebrate the conclusion of a challenging and proud academic journey, we are proudly launching our annual “Celebrating our Graduates” campaign.

The Foundation will be awarding four $1,000 prizes for the best master's theses or essays, and four $2,000 prizes for the best doctoral dissertations, in each of our four research and training centers. These prizes are made possible by the generosity of our donors.

We warmly invite all members of the INRS community—professors, employees, executives, graduates, partners, and friends — to show your support for student success and express your pride in this cohort.

A collective show of solidarity will help us reach our goal of $12,000 to pay out these eight prizes. Express your pride in our graduates by donating today.

Our recipients will be honoured at the INRS Graduation Ceremony in Montréal on Saturday, May 11.

Stay tuned, we cannot wait to share their story.

Thank you for recognizing their efforts and celebrating their success!


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