Two scholarship winners who embody leadership and commitment

We are delighted to announce the winners of our new INRS Foundation Leadership and Commitment Scholarship. Students Apolline Maurin and Aïssatou Aïcha Sow fully embody the spirit of the scholarship: two leaders who make a concrete contribution to the vitality of the student community at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS).

Ms Maurin is a doctoral student in biology under the supervision of Professor Claude Guertin. She chose to follow this programme after obtaining an engineering degree, with a view to doing research and development in academia or industry. As well as her interest in science, she attaches particular importance to sharing and passing on knowledge, but also to creating a humane and caring environment. This is what led her to get involved in student associations and to volunteer for popularisation workshops.

Ms Sow is a doctoral student in virology and immunology under the supervision of Professor Laurent Chatel-Chaix. The pandemic prompted her to take advantage of her skills in popularising science to fight misinformation. Diversifying these popularisation activities has enabled her to reach out to different populations regardless of age, social status or level of education. Equity, diversity and inclusion are also particularly dear to her heart. Originally from Senegal, she created the JigeenInSTEM perseverance scholarship for young women with a passion for science, technology, engineering or mathematics. She funds the scholarship from the prizes she wins at her scientific conferences.

Congratulations to Ms Sow and Ms Maurin! We’re planning a friendly awards ceremony at the Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie research and training centre this fall, where members of the community can celebrate the success of our award winners.

Here’s a glimpse of their research work and their aspirations for the future.

Apolline Maurin, doctoral student in biology
Aïssatou Aïcha Sow, doctoral student in virology and immunology


About our Leadership and engagement scholarship

Created thanks to the generosity of the members of the INRS Foundation team, who donate through payroll deduction, this $2,000 scholarship is designed to recognize and promote student leadership and commitment at the community, social, association or other level that contributes to the vitality of our community. It improves the study conditions of the winners.

Announced in winter 2023, this is one of the first new sources of support for the INRS student community created by the Foundation as part of our personalized bursary programme.

The bursary competition opened in March and closed on 5 April 2023. It was managed by the Service des études supérieures et de la réussite étudiante (SESRE) and attracted a great deal of interest from the student community. The Foundation's management decided to award a second scholarship in recognition of the quality of the applications received.

The INRS Foundation warmly thanks the SESRE team for its assistance and the members of the selection committee, Mr Philippe-Edwin Bélanger, Ms Joanie Lavoie, Prof Amadou Diogo Barry and Prof Virginie Hébert for their essential contribution.

We would also like to thank all those who applied, helped to publicise the competition and ensure its smooth running, and our generous donors for their invaluable support.


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