Resolution #4 • Subscribe to our newsletter

Happy New Year! To mark the beginning of 2022, the INRS Foundation proposes a few resolutions to start the new year in a good way.

Resolution #4 • Subscribe to our newsletter

A powerful way to fight FOMO, subscribing to our newsletter allows you to follow the scientific developments at INRS and news about our alumni network and the Foundation.

Eight times a year, our Foundation team curates news from the INRS community, highlights the careers and accomplishments of our alumni, opens a door to scientific life and innovation at INRS, and keeps a finger on the pulse of the Foundation’s activities and the people behind it. It’s a great way to stay connected or to get closer to a dynamic network that cares about the role of science as a driver of economic, social and cultural development in our society.

Stay tuned to what’s happening and send us your feedback. We look forward to hearing from you.


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