“I’m incredibly grateful to INRS for this award, which I take as a token of appreciation from the INRS community for the work I accomplished throughout my master’s program. I believe this award will broaden the reach of my research, and that’s very motivating as I embark on future research projects.”

Benjamin Crockett
M.Sc. Energy and Materials Science, 2020

Centre Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications | Supervisor: José Azaña

Benjamin’s doctoral research focuses on information processing, a discipline where research is usually aimed at uncovering knowledge and technology that can be applied in other sectors. For example, his research may help improve the sensitivity of bio-imaging detectors, resulting in better diagnoses. In telecommunications, it may lead to energy savings by reducing the amount of power required for a given communications channel. In radio astronomy, his breakthroughs could make it possible to detect astronomical events even farther from Earth.

For his PhD, Benjamin plans to continue working on concepts he developed during his master’s degree to design new forms of classical signal amplification and to enable simultaneous optical signal processing in the time and frequency domains, making it possible to access information otherwise inaccessible with current technologies.